Friday, December 9, 2011

Prema-Co-worker fell and broke her elbow.

Emily-Still recovering but doing well.

Pat-my mom and her knee pain.

Devon-son of my friend Becky, getting wisdom teeth removed today.

Lord, I thank you for another day and another opportunity to talk to you. You have blessed me and my family so far beyond what we could ask and you continue to go before us to provide the things we don't know we need. Thank you for you hand on Emily, continue to be with her and most of all please touch her heart and give her a deep knowledge of your presence in her life that will remain with her for all of her days. Give Prema comfort from her pain as this injury heals and help her to somehow enjoy her time off at home. Day by day, give my mom relief from the pain in her knee and protect her from further falls or injury. Go before her and give her a miraculous recovery from her surgery next month and ease any anxiety she is experiencing. As Devon goes for his wisdom teeth removal, give him a quiet heart and a successful and quick surgery. Let him be comfortable as he recovers and let his recovery be quick.
Finally this morning, God, I pray for Kingswood Hospital. I ask you for a refreshing of the staff. This can be such a hard time for staff who deal with patients who do not have warm homes or loving families. Let your sweet spirit descend on the hospital and give all of us there an extra measure of patience and compassion. I know it is a privilege to be given charge over this place and I am sorry for the moments that my attitude is not one of gratitude and joy. Touch hearts, including mine. You are good. You are God. Amen.

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