Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Amy Ahonen-Sister of one of our former youth kids, Annette. Amy went missing on July 3 in Colorado. Her jeep with her purse, keys and phone were found parked on the side of a freeway. There has been no sign of Amy since.

Emily Taylor-Continuing in prayer as she daily grows stronger and recovers.

Davis Family-18 year old Demia Davis was found dead in her dorm room two weeks ago, apparent seizure.

Bianca Jones-2 year old girl who went missing in Detroit this weekend. Dad claims a car jacking but car was found almost immediately and he has failed a polygraph.

Lord, thank you for this beautiful cold winter morning. Thank you that my family all slept in warm beds last night. Be with those who will be driving this morning and give us safe travel. Guard my heart and my mind today, let my spirit be soft and teach me to be an encourager to those I work with. Continue to have your hand on Emily as she recovers from her injuries. I pray for her future, that she will not suffer any long term effects from this accident and that she will quickly be home to enjoy Christmas with her mom and dad. Father, only you know where Amy is. You know if she is alive or has passed. And you know the anguish of her loved ones. If she is alive, bring her home by some means so that she can be restored to her family. Even if she has not survived, bring answers and closure to her family. Ease their hearts as they must be suffering terribly during this time of year, longing to have her home. Somewhere, someone may have information. Touch them Lord and compel them to make this right. Dear God, there is so much fear for little Bianca. Help the police find her. If her dad has some information, bring conviction to his heart. If she is alive, protect her until she can be returned to her mom. As for her mom and family, be with them now. This is a nightmare all parents dread, only you can be her strength. Also be with the mom of Demia, this mom who worked so hard alone to raise her daughter and has lost her too soon. Draw close to her now and provide comfort in these dark days. Bring to mind the beauty and sweetness of this daughter she raised so well and give her a vision of Demia now with you. Thank you God for your goodness and mercy. This day is yours, help me to please you in it. You are good. You are God. Amen.

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