Monday, December 12, 2011

Heather-my friend who is in post surgery treatment for breast cancer.

Diane-my friend who is dealing with some health issues and feels "fluish."

Kelly's family-coughing and feeling crummy.

Lord, you see the small and the large cares in homes and in families. I continue to bring my sweet friend Heather before your throne as we claim complete health for her. We also ask for you to give her strength and make these weeks of treatment ahead of her as easy as possible. Provide a supernatural peace to her heart and sustain her joy and trust in you. Be also with Diane who is such an encourager to all of us who know her. Relieve her of these symptoms she is experiencing today as you continue to provide complete restoration to her body. Satan is a liar who wants to steal her peace and health but we come against him and bind him by the blood of your son. Touch the Turpin house as they are dealing with feeling sick. Protect Maddy and Elek from catching whatever this is and give quick relief to Kelly, Michael and Ian.
Be in homes that need you to strengthen their relationships. Let us all be humble in love with one another and constant in expressing love and encouragement to each other. Teach us to be sensitive and to learn how to best show those around us that they are treasured and important to us. Fill our homes with your light and drive away the darkness that clouds our minds and emotions. Thank you. You are good. You are God.

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