Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Quieting yourself to feel the change~

I had high hopes that this clean-eating deal would be miraculous.  By that, I mean I was hoping a week in I'd be over my lifelong insomnia, losing weight, never hungry, headache free, dewy skin, thick and luxurious hair and perhaps even win the lottery! 
Alas, uh, nope.
What I've learned is that the change to clean eating yields results that I have to pay careful attention to recognize.  The most significant for me is that I truly do believe that processed and refined foods are addictive.  Never enough, never satisfied.  Eating clean, I am satisfied with my meals.  This doesn't mean I don't still consume too many calories, one step at a time!  I don't daydream about food between meals.  I'm embarrassed to tell you,  I used to.  The best way I can explain it is that eating this way the food seems to do what it's supposed to do in the first place.  It nourishes me, fuels my body and I get on with my day. 
Every meal is no longer a challenge of needing to have the most amazing thing I can think of.  Slowly slowly slowly, I hope that my mind is being renewed to understand my relationship with food in a healthy manner.  I suppose I am a recovering addict.  Correction, I know I am.
Case in point, when there is something special at work-someone has brought in cookies perhaps, I don't have to have one or three or ten.  I am slowed down and purposeful.  Sometimes I say yes and have a cookie (but not ten.)  But usually, I can hesitate for long enough to realize, I don't feel the need.  A few months ago, if I passed on the treat, it would've been jaws clenched and white knuckles.
Something that I find really amazing?  Most evenings, I would be too exhausted and cranky to deal with making dinner.  Now I look forward to assembling our meal and I have the energy and motivation to do it.  I think it's because my body is just working better.  The clean lunch, the mid afternoon snack, the lack of sugary drinks, the decreased caffeine (!) enable me to calmly make dinner without feeling like I'm going to gnaw my own leg off before it's ready.  And that daydreaming about food is gone, so now whatever is on the plan is good with me.  It's food, not my friend and comforter.
All of this said, I want to reiterate, I am not concentrating on weight loss at this point. I still take in too many calories.  I still have a lot of work to do.  But when I quiet myself and pay attention, truly, I feel better.  The road ahead is still long, but with all sincerity, I encourage anyone who is curious to give clean eating a month and then quiet down and consider...can you feel a change?


  1. Yes .. calories are calories. It took me over a year to detox and 'come clean' from overly processed foods .. then my hives were gone (poof) .. and my injured shoulder one day didn't hurt any longer (I attribute that to making and consuming bone broth .. and God's amazing design for healing our bodies). Another cleanser that 'amped' it up was drinking a cup of milk thistle or nettle tea before bed (no caffeine) ... these both help clean up the liver and glands. My all time favorite natural sleep aids: lavender oil either diffused or applied on my pillow .. along with clary sage essential oil. I no longer need the clary sage often (on pillow or diffused .. ) .. and I NEVER have sleep problems any longer.

  2. It is a challenge to change the old habits! Little by little. I know exactly what you mean by how addicting processed foods are! They leave you always wanting more. I have been slowly changing the foods we eat and my family is pretty much on board. Keep posting recipes and ideas please, it is helpful.
