Saturday, May 18, 2013

A month to new habits~

We have successfully done the "5 weeks to clean eating," plan from Pinterest:  add fruit/veggies to all meals, no fast food, eliminate refined/white sugars and grains,  make fruit/veggies the base of all snacks, no more sugar drinks.  We also, now, build our meals very intentionally:  complex carb/protein/vegetable or fruit.  The folks who live in this house all have weight challenges but we decided to focus on eating healthy before we focused on eating for weight loss.  The Mr. is losing anyway, me, not so much.  But I'm not concentrating on that right now.  We are going on vacation the first week of July and when we return, we'll take our diet to the weight loss step. 
Some lessons learned?  After much thought about eating clean and knowing in my heart that this was something important for me, I informed the Mr. that this was what I wanted to do.  I didn't insist that anyone else come along for the ride, I just explained how I intended to eat and asked that as far as items that were exceptionally tempting for me, those no longer show up in the kitchen.  Oh, and those weekly eating out and carry in dinners?  I couldn't do that any longer. The Mr. and Daboyz are "allowed" to eat however they want.  I'm happy to say, they've come on board.  Daboyz are fully engaged in the philosophy and the Mr., well, he's playing nice.
They say that it takes about one month to change a habit and if that's true, I guess we can say we've officially changed our ways.  They also say that after about a month of clean-eating, the craving for junk will subside.  This, I doubted.  And this, I'm very happy to report, has happened.  Don't misunderstand, the desire to overeat, that bad habit, is what it is.  But the potato chip, saltine crackers, refined and processed stuff really doesn't call my name any longer.  In fact, the Mr. bought a big bag of potato chips last week for a family get together which never got opened.  Friday evening I decided to treat myself (yeah, old habits do die hard.)  I opened up that bag of chips, which is my favorite snack, and ate literally two hand fulls.  This was the second time I've decided to cheat and found that after a few bites, I didn't really want the chips.  That is amazing to me and if it's the only progress I make, I'm calling it miraculous!  I have been that person who opens a bag of chips and doesn't stop until there's nothing left. 
I have also discovered that the protein/complex carb rule really does work in terms of staying with a person and providing that efficient fuel for the body that we hear about.  This is a discovery I sort of noticed accidentally in that I didn't notice I was hungry all day long as I have been in the past.  My rough cut oatmeal with diced apples in the morning holds me for several hours, I'm not chomping at the bit mid morning and white knuckling my way to lunch time.  As a nonbreakfast eater for my entire life, I've developed the habit of eyes open-must eat.  I've always had something small, like a yogurt, mid morning.  Now I'm eating breakfast before I leave for work and eating a piece of fruit mid morning.  The importance of this is that it's not the former experience of starving and waiting until I was allowed to eat a few hundred calories.  It's a calmer sort of approach to food.  I'm not distracted by hunger and cravings.
My coffee intake is lower as well, which was not a goal in the first place.  I usually had 2 cups at home and 2 more at work every morning.  Now, a cup before work and maybe one at work and I'm satisfied.  I'm guessing the better fuel I'm putting into my body is minimizing the desire for more caffeine.  Many mornings I have my cup here at home and then make my own large cup of infused water ingredients to take to work, I add the water there and sip on it for the rest of the day.  Often, this is fresh mint from our yard and thinly sliced cucumbers. 
Would I recommend clean eating to you?  Absolutely.  It can be done as much or as minimally as works for you individually.  Eating a slice of birthday cake isn't "cheating."  It's a momentary deviation from one's standard diet and it isn't going to do the harm of daily refined sugar and flour.  It seems (based on nothing scientific) to me, that a slice of cake doesn't trigger the old habits for me.  In fact, although I enjoy it, I'm very much aware of the way I feel after a "dirty" snack.  It makes me anxious to get back to healthier choices.  The debloating mint and cucumber water does wonders to counteract the refined food hangover :)
This is the first time in my life that I have not experienced either hunger or shame.  That's sad, isn't it?  I'm still a good 50 pounds over weight but I don't feel that internal humiliation I've had in the past as I've eaten food that I knew was harmful to my body.  When my weight was under control, I didn't have the shame but I was hungry almost all of the time.  The Lord is offering me the opportunity for wisdom and I'm working hard to submit myself to his ways, which are always better than my own.  The Holy Spirit is gently showing me that God isn't concerned with the physical appearance of my body or the size in my clothing.  He is, however, completely concerned about my health and strength.  I will admit, I am not there yet, but I know that he will help me to accept my body in whatever form it takes as long as it is a body that is well and able to enjoy all of the joys he has in store for me in this life.  The goals, is slowly slowly slowly shifting from a size 10 and the WW target weight to smaller than I am, leaner and healthier.  But if that means I settle at a size 16 and several pounds above WW's recommendation; that will be ok. 
I'm seeking to be at peace with my body, for the first time ever.  I need Jesus to give me more sensitivity to the way I feel under his influence and to bring the emotional self condemnation and the opinions of society under submission.  This might seem like a highly spiritualized theory to eating.  But really, I think we cannot separate the earth that God created for our sustenance from the plans he has for us as whole men and women.  My body is peaceful, does that make sense?


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