Sunday, February 5, 2012

An inconsistent devotion

One of the things I have always "disliked" about my spiritual growth style is that I have never found the thing that I always do. You know, like people who read the entire Bible every year starting on January first? I know a gentleman now in his 80s who has done this every single year since he was 25. Can you imagine how deeply the Word has saturated his heart? I know a woman who has a prayer board in her home, in her prayer corner, where she hangs pictures of people who she faithfully prays for every single day. Some of the pictures are worn and yellowed, curling around the edges they are so old. Some of them are elementary school pictures of people who are now grown and have their own children. And still, every day she faithfully prays picture by picture for each person.
I have heard of a person who reads her local paper every week and clips out articles of people in need of prayer, these become her daily prayer list until next week's paper comes out.
My grandmother would often be sitting in her family room with the Bible on her lap and a cup of tea (and one cookie!) on the coffee table when I stopped by in the afternoon.
But I am not so consistent. I latch on to something and think, this is it! This will be the method that I use to grow in God. It never seems to last long and it leaves me feeling like a bit of a failure. I'm rethinking that though. Maybe it's not a matter of doing one thing always, but always doing something. So I'm forgiving myself that for that critical attitude and I'm going to just concentrate on being daily active in some form of drawing closer to God.
Today I am deeply enjoying reading a chronological Bible. There are two kinds of chrono Bibles, one is a reading program to get you through the entire Bible in one year. Another is a Bible that is sort of re arranged to give you the events of the Bible in the order in which they actually happened. I'm using the second one presently, which I've downloaded onto my Kindle.
New Christians can be confused as they try to study the Word to find that it isn't already in chronological order. Case in point are the Gospels, all telling the same stories from the different points of view of the authors. The Old Testament is the same, events from Genesis are mentioned in first and second Chronicles, Psalms, etc. The events from first and second Kings are re-interpreted in the Psalms. I have the Tyndale Chronological Bible (which is also divided into a year-long reading program in addition to being the story of God in order.) I have been so OCD in the past that I would have put off this project until next January 1 because the heading of each chapter is a date and I'm already a month behind! But I'm not so worried about a daily dose or being on track with the calendar presented. I am using this as a tool to be in the word.
Will I stick with it daily or make it through in a year? I don't know. I started a wonderful Joyce Meyer daily devotional that lasted about 2 months before I lost interest. That really doesn't matter all that much. What matters is that yesterday and today I had time in the word. Tomorrow I will need time in the word again. The ease of the Kindle has given me a tool for use and I am thankful for an opportunity to hide scripture in my heart.

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